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Managing User Membership Levels

Learn how to create, view and manage user membership levels in your online store.

Written by Anna Verbichenko
Updated over 10 months ago

A store administrator can create and manage user membership levels on the Membership Levels page of your store's Admin area.

  • X-Cart 5.4.x - Users > Membership Levels

  • X-Cart 5.5.x - Communications > Customers > Memberships

    Note: In X-Cart 5.5.x, a store admin can also access the page in Store Management > Users > Memberships.

Creating Membership Levels

To create a new membership level:

  1. Click New membership on the Membership Levels page in your store Admin area. You will see a new blank field in the membership levels table.

    • X-Cart 5.4.x - Users -> Membership Levels

    • X-Cart 5.5.x - Communications > Customers > Memberships

  2. In this field, type the name of the membership level you require. For example, let us name our new membership level "VIP customers":

  3. Click Save changes.

The new membership level will be saved and added to your store's membership levels list.

Viewing and Managing Membership Levels

The Membership Levels (or Memberships) page provides a table with a list of membership levels available (if any) to your store's users:

  • X-Cart 5.4.x - Users > Membership Levels

  • X-Cart 5.5.x - Communications > Customers > Memberships

The membership listing table allows a store admin:

  1. To get a list of users with specific membership.
    For this purpose, click on the number link in the Users column opposite the membership name. Alternatively, use the "Search for users" feature. Set a filter specifying the membership(s) you need and search to find users. You can search by both assigned and pending memberships.

  2. To change the name of any membership level.
    For this purpose, click on the level name. Once it becomes active, edit the value and save changes.

    Note: For each membership level, you can see the name and the number of store users with this membership level:

  3. To enable/disable a membership level.

    For this purpose, switch the ON/OFF icon opposite its name to select the desired status and click Save changes.

    Note: A store admin can assign only active membership levels to users.

  4. To change the order of the membership level names in the table.
    For this purpose, drag and drop the level to the required position by the four arrow icon and save the changes.

    Note: The order in which the membership level names display in the table determines the order of membership level names in the drop-down box used to assign membership levels to specific users.

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